paisleypiper's Diaryland Diary


a new year's theory

Happy New Year.

I'm running late on this but there are extenuating circumstances. Due to work stress I feel as though my holiday clock should be reset to Halloween when the discussions began about the day when all the lay-offs would occur. And now that day has passed; I'm still employed; breathing again. Trick or treat.

I have lots of things on my mind these days. As usual, I'm questioning everything about what I want to be when I grow up. For some reason two things are plaguing me this evening. First, the inventor of Raman Noodles passed away today. The entrepreneur whose product sustained me in my late teens and early twenties along with mac and cheese. It is hard to avoid noting this day because the years when we have Raman noodles several times a week and actually learn how to morph them into something wonderful with a spice or two is something that bonds many people. Not that there is such a thing as a universal experience but I think Raman Noodles need their pop cultural due. Second on my mind, speaking of pop -- let's leave the word culture out of this one -- is a question about the cialus commercials. Why do all of the commercials end up with the couple in seperate bathtubs facing the ocean and holding hands across the tubs? I can't help but think that it's meant to be metaphorical (although for commercials I think it needs to be commetaphorical).

Tonight we watched Art School Confidential and really enjoyed it. It seemed to recreate so wonderfully my experiences with art classes. And Quinn, having gone to art school, was there getting all the refereces.

Quinn's nephew headed to the military last weekend to begin basic training. I was thinking about what a horible thing our government has become. Every day men and women in the military are risking their lives for a war that was a mistake. Every day hundreds of millions of US residents work and pay taxes to support the war and the government. And I read that the Congress was in session less than 70 days last year and they accomplished the least any Congress has ever accomplished. Even back when people had to write with quill pens that were dipped in ink and deal with blotting and powder white wigs more was accomplished. Something for consideration. One of the things I'm going to do this year is hound my elected officials about the issues and ask them during the work week what they are doing each day for the people who elected them.

The other thing I'm working on this year is simple. I'm trying not to be so full of shit. That's the blunt way of saying it. Sometimes when I am thinking about things and how I act I am really blunt. I'm like this big jerk in dirty underwear with messed up hair with full ashtrays wandering around about to be evicted and saying the world is all messed up. That's not how I really am -- I'm just describing the voice I sometimes notice I use when thinking about things in my life. It's that of my ex-husband -- perish the thought. So anyway... back to not being so full of shit. I'm trying to be organized about my life outside of work. To do my files, send in rebates, make grocery lists, not waste food... You get the picture. Lots of little things which add up to something that means more -- which is participating in all aspects of life. I think this will help me increase my level of happiness because I'll be paying attention. It's a new year's theory at least.

10:44 p.m. - 2007-01-11


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