paisleypiper's Diaryland Diary


sleep needed soon

I met my goal for writing one-page annotation for seven of the ten sources for my paper due on Tuesday. I think I can read and write the other three Sunday (I guess after a few hours �rest�) and do revisions on Monday night. I think annotated bibliographies are incredibly stupid assingments. And I had to write this because I think if Quinn hears me say that one more time she won�t share any of her Halloween candy with me. Or worse.

Last night my friend P. came over for dinner. We all accidentally got really tipsy before dinner, without even drinking very much wine at all. I have not been drinking much and I think in the process, I become tipsy easier, especially if I have not eaten much during the day. So, the evening broke up early, but was still a fun conclusion to one of the longest weeks.

I�ve been having many long weeks lately. All work and no joy has made Jack a dull boy. When I think of long weeks, I think of my favorite t-shirt when I was 10. I loved this t-shirt more than all t-shirts and wore it under my overall shorts with the little rainbow embroidered patch on the back pocket that summer. The t-shirt said �The Longest Walk� on the front and had a graphic of people walking on a path. It was from a Native American civil rights march from California to Washington D.C. and I joined the group for a day as the march passed through the midwest. At the time, I felt it was a historical moment and was incredibly proud of earning the t-shirt.

I have always loved a great organized protest. In high school and college I spent a lot of time on buses going to protests. With the threat of war hanging overhead, I am feeling as though I will be protesting soon. Hardly anyone in State City protests anything. At the protest when Bush was sworn in, only about 110 people assembled. Before going down to the federal building, a group of 20 of us stood on a prominent corner in the shopping district and tried to get people excited for the big protest. People love to tell me that there is no point in protesting. Maybe not here. But I have been to some of the larger marches on Washington for various causes and I think it is something that everyone should do once.

Yesterday, I asked the Esquire what three things she thought everyone should do once and she replied: have a spa treatment; plant something, and go to the symphony. For me it is hard to narrow it down, but if I did, I would say: march in a big protest march over a cause she/he believes in; sleep on the beach under the stars on just a blanket, and tell stories around a roaring fire on a cold, late-fall night.

The Esquire told me that she would never go see a scary movie or ride a carnival ride. She said she feels as though she has enough pain in her life and there is enough pain in the world without having to pay for it. I�ve been wondering whether she has any concept of release or catharsis. I know bajillionairs have pain too, but so much pain that she doesn�t want to pay to go to a scary movie�

I adore the Gothic, and so, there are certain types of scary movies that I adore. And others that do not interest me. I have never seen any one of the Halloween series in its entirety, for example.

And speaking of the Gothic, Quinn and I had a big chuckle as she wondered how, in a conversatino with Citizen Gerta when I resigned being Treasurer of the neighborhood organization she overheard us in a conversation about sex and where is an appropriate place to have sex. Citizen Gerta told me that she would never have sex outside. And when she was single, she never let a man in her apartment. "If he didn't have the money for a hotel, he wasn't getting any sex." Citizen Gerta is 88, so this seems incredibly sexually liberal to me. But apparantly, people had sex, it was just important not to live together or have sex at someone's home before marriage.... at least according to Citizen Gerta. Now, to reveal the mystery of how the conversation arose as a topic -- I was telling her about the guy across the street having trouble with the people who live in the house next door to him having sex outside, right under his bedroom window with the car stereo on. And Citizen Gerta laughted when I told her how he poured water on them. She said "I would have gotten the hose!"

A short and random entry tonight. I�m tired. And looking for sleep.

1:34 a.m. - 2002-10-13


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