paisleypiper's Diaryland Diary


boring sunday night entry

Tomorrow is the board meeting� on a Monday. Which meant I had to do the vilest thing � work all day Saturday preparing board notebooks. By myself, in the heat, with no air circulation, locked in a tiny office, turning my 50 hour week into a 56 hour week. Her directorship, the Esquire, doesn�t really work. The Esquire cannot focus and gets sucked in opportunities that don�t pan out, and spends most of her time telling people about herself and trying not to be at work. We have a sick culture in our office. Generally you would think that an office of 3 does not have enough factors for a sick office culture, and that is why it is persists. I�ve come to the conclusion that I need an attitude! Not a snarled, bureaucratic attitude but something that communicates �I�m valuable, I work hard, I will attract success, but I�ll keep my priorities.� It is so hard to do that right at this moment because a promotion awaits me in 15 days. For the past 6 months I have been doing 2 jobs � that of executive assistant for the Esquire and that of assistant director of a program that facilitates civic knowledge in post-secondary education. I want my increase in pay and I desperately need to stop being the Esquire�s assistant. If you have not been the direct and only underling to a millionaire who is dabbling in civic work and getting paid over $100K for it while you stretch to meet your obligations, it would take an entry all of its own to describe. And that entry would define this new form of capitalist plague � economic harassment. If you have, then you can imagine the surprises that come my way each day. But I am going to make it to being only assistant director � no more washing out the Esquire�s cups and emptying her cans of diet coke! No more clipping honeysuckles to make a fresh arrangement in her office. No more rescheduling meetings because of her demanding pedicurist (now that sandals are so popular, pedicurists are really calling the shots) and I may even get to take a lunch break every now and then!

It is a bland Sunday night entry� trying to feel strong and ready to survive Board Monday in my dress suit. It is a darling, darling suit, which is why I have it. We all need the one outfit that says to everyone else, before they have time to observe otherwise, �I�ve got it!� Flair, sophistication, style and funkiness. All rolled into one ensemble. That is my at least for this evening � at least I have my reserve suit. It hangs in the closet 353 days a year, waiting. But when I need it�. Oh it better not have moth holes�..

Tonight, Quinn and I have pushed back Monday morning, trying to extract every last morsel of the weekend. We had a beer. Ate tacos. And now it is late, and I am listening to the fan, watching the dog sleep at my feet, looking into the black of the window and seeing myself sit here at my desk. It is fairly restful.

11:17 p.m. - 2002-06-16


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